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3109 13th Ave South
Fargo, ND

(701) 356-3763

Your friendly, expert repair facility in Fargo/Moorhead for all makes and models of Cell Phones, Tablets and Computers

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Water Damage? Let us help you out...

Joe Hanson

...That dreadful moment when gravity takes over and your prized mobil assistant hits the water with a stomach-wrenching, "Splash!" Of course your first response is to reach in and save your delicate device from a watery grave! But what you do NEXT could seal the deal for any hope of it working again. 

  1. Call Gadget Garage! (701) 356-3763...on a friends phone - or your landline.
  2. DO NOT continue using it! (Resist! Resist!)
  3. If it has a removable battery (non Apple phones in general), remove it now.
  4. Above all, DO NOT plug it in! (Again, resist!) You can try the bag of rice routine as it will act as a makeshift desiccant to absorb the offending liquid more rapidly than air drying...or you could just air dry it. 
  5. Come on in and let our expert techs attempt a water recovery.